I love real Hardware Stores. You know, the ones where people actually know what they are talking about? Yeah, Southern Highlands Ace Hardware is one of those places.
We were in town to shoot some guns...some HUGE bullets. Well it seemed that the 50 Cal was liking some of the shells and didn't want to let go of them after firing. So it was my job to go and get something to ram the shell out of the gun.
I knew what I was looking for and they knew what I was talking about. AMAZING!! The prices didn't seem unreasonable and were probably right in line with the "Big Box" stores. I so wish I had a store like this close to my house. Instead my two closest ones are Home Depots where no one knows anything and it takes 20 minutes to walk around the football stadium sized store just to find someone to help you.
Plus they had moon pies!!!