| - I have always wanted to have my garage floor epoxied and seeing it was empty during a renovation, now seemed to be the time. After searching on Yelp, Raxmasters had the best and most consistent reviews, so I had them come out for an estimate. My floor was a mess with many deep oil stains - one of my tenants had apparently been using it for an oil changing business. Jerry, the owner, came out and gave me a very informative presentation and quote that was definitely in my range. It was so good, in fact, and based on other Yelp reviews, that I didn't have anyone else come out for estimates.
Jerry's crew came out while I was gone in California and when I came back I had a sparkling new floor with a mirror-like surface. Color was perfect as was the finish. Rather than take my payment over the phone, Jerry came back out once I had seen the floor and swiped my credit card on the spot - good security!
Thanks again, Jerry! Fantastic job at a great price. If you want your garage floor epoxied, don't go anywhere else but Raxmasters!