I called Belsito for someone to come out (6/27)and tell me if my water softener was working. I thought it was but have never used one before. They were the least expensive for a service call(at the time) $60. When the sales person came with his assistant (trainee I think) he proceeded to go directly to the kitchen sink to run a hard water test. After 6 or so drops of some chemical in the test bottle he declared the water was hard. Then to the softener...doesn't look like it is working even though I told him there was no hard water scale residue anywhere in the house. So he said I needed a new softener. Never told me how to fix or try to clean on my own... $800 +...asked for a bid to replace the sink and faucet...$150 for the faucet...$350 for the sink...said I really needed an RO system....$1200... and a new water heater $1000....by the time he left my quote for all the items I "needed" was over $4000....I didn't buy...but did cally Tony from GE to do the same... he tested the water...NOT HARD WATER!...Then he instructed me how to clean the softener and maintain it. Also said an RO system could be installed for $599 or $899 depending on the system....guess what he charged me for the visit? $0.00!! Nothing! I waited to post this because I don't like to give bad reviews....but I got madder over time at being taken...so no more nice guy!