I am only giving this place a one star rating because I have to give something. I would actually give this place zero stars. One time I went in there to sell some books. A library book accidentally got placed in the pile of books to sell. I did not realize it and neither did the employee until later that night. Instead of calling me, the bookstore called the library and told them I was trying to sell their books. The library actually tried to press charges on me for this. I did not know that anything was even going on until a police officer showed up at my door and inquired about the incident. I told him I had no idea there was a problem because the bookstore never called me.
I went up to the bookstore to clear it up and to let them know it was just a mistake. I never meant to try and sell a library book. The manager of the bookstore, I think her name was Denise ( a skinny redhead) came up to me and asked me to sign a paper. When I asked her what it was, she told me that it was a form that explained if I ever came back on the bookstores property, I would be arrested for trespassing....WHAT?? It was an innocent mistake. I would never try and sell books that were not mine. I also am banned from the library because they apparently believed the story that the bookstore told them. I tried to talk with the head librarian and she wanted to know why it took me so long to come see her if it was all an accident. I tried to explain to her that the bookstore never called me to inform me of the mix up. I did not know about it for weeks afterwards when a police officer came to my house.
If you are going to sell books to this store, please check and double check that the books are yours to sell. This place apparently believes accidents to do not happen. I have warned all my friends and family about this place and nobody I know will shop there again.