| - This is a gorgeous and well maintained Spring Training facility for the San Francisco Giants. At high noon, the sun faces left center and gets pretty brutal. I sat right of center, just a tad over from the Giants bullpen, and it was still burning hot - apply sunscreen liberally and stay hydrated. Vendors for beer and lemonade came around every inning for us grass people. Speaking of the grass too....bring a waterproof blanket? Everyone that sat in the grass got up with a wet spot of shame on their behind - pretty hilarious.
Prices were a little higher at Scottsdale compared to other stadiums (boo), so we were pretty conservative on spending. If you can wait it out, Scottsdale has a fair amount of restaurants right outside the ballpark...but better yet, come prepared with some food of your own.
If you are looking to get autographs, come early....but even still, the Giants weren't very autograph friendly. Hector Sanchez spent upwards of half an hour signing just over the dugout. And Brandon Belt signed for all of 5 minutes just farther down the line. It looked especially bad considering the Royals had 5-6 players at once signing...come on, can't be outdone at your own park!
As for parking, check out the Scottsdale Civic Center Parking Garage - scored free parking there, woot! I was kind of nervous approaching the park when I saw a bunch of people offering their driveways for $15-20. But that might be for the later people.
Still a pretty fun experience overall.