The good: This is one of those antique places that consists of a sprawling space full of booths that vendors sell their stuff in. The upside to this is if you're into knives or Star Wars or creepy dolls, chances are one of the vendors are too, meaning you can cruise around until you find "your" booth and then peruse their wares.
They have some cool stuff. Some very interesting and tasteful art and books are scattered among what is honestly just a huge collection of weird things. I recommend visiting and treating the experience like a museum visit.
The bad: good luck not getting mean-mugged by the ancient gatekeepers at the entrance if you're younger than 35. The lady at the front had the gall to ask us if we were up to no good, which would've passed for an innocuous joke if we weren't then eyed critically throughout the store during our visit. I remember when people that age had manners...