Of all the state parks in Las Vegas this is THEE one. It has it all. RedRock picturesque mountain backdrop. large fields of grass in front of the ranch. A magnificently wellkept ranch house that belonged to classic actress Vera Krupp who just treasured this property in her time. This is the classic American dream home. With a barn stable(garage of its time) connected to it and a hidden room. Very rustic and sophisticated. Howard Hughes owned the property at one time. It is unsure whether he actually lived there during his ownership.
Go towards the back of the property and you will find an old farmhouse that is the epitome of old western. It sits atop a grass hill and looks to be in perfect shape. Further on is an old blacksmith shop. You could still almost hear the clanging of metal as the horseshoes were being readied for the cowboys about to embark in the wild west. You could still feel the history that is preserved in this ranch.
At the very end of the ranch over the last hill is the cherry on top. A natural spring fed lake has been properly modernized and is the view of all views in RedRock Canyon. I'll say that it may be a bit of a trip on foot to reach it for some. Once you get there you will be rewarded. The one thing about this lake is it being used as a refuge to preserve one of the most rare fish in the planet. The Devilshole pupfish population fluctuates between 42 to 200 specimens yearly. It was the reason we visited the park the first time and I am glad to report that we actually spotted a few!
The fee to enter this park is more than fair for all that you can experience here. Beautiful sights wonderful history and chances to see something that may never be seen by generations not too far off.