BOGO = $12.50 per person! No taxes no extra anything... since when can you get a whole race (10 minutes) for that price in the Bay Area? Granted that it's Vegas and we went on a Monday, the track was basically empty except for another couple there. We watched a one minute rule of safety and had the option of putting on the jumpsuit. But seriously, who in their right minds would want to put on stinky jumpsuits which were worn and probably not washed on a consistent basis either?
The track was simple, but fun enough where there were curves which prevented you from going too fast (well, for me at least). Maybe it's the off-strip of Vegas, but everything is cheaper than it is in the Bay Area!
For those of you who are sick of the strip and the smoke and don't want to do anything that's "typical Vegas", but want to get your adrenaline pumping, this is the place to go!