| - Every time I hear or see Bayview Avenue, my mind automatically leaps to Cham Shan. We've been coming here since I was a little girl, and not much has changed over the years. It's gotten a little bit busier, parking is a little harder, and the complex is a little nicer after a series of small renovations. After all this time, it's still a very special place and definitely a GTA landmark.
You don't have to be Buddhist to enjoy this temple. Religion, like many other things in life, is what you make of it. Drop by and think of the trip as gaining a bit of culture and appreciation for diversity. For the foodies, they offer bomb vegan lunchboxes on the 1st and 15th of each month, following the lunar calendar. For the nihilist, some young whippersnapper on the planning committee implemented free public wifi. And for everyone else in between, you'll leave with a smile and a lighter heart.