I shop wherever is convenient (usually by a Starbuck's). The Green Valley Parkway Food 4 Less and Smith's are two of a few supermarkets that I regularly do my food shopping. Although they are both owned by Kroger's, there is a major difference in the shopping environment. If you looked up "no frills" in the encyclopedia, Food 4 Less would be the main article. Where Smith's is modernized, Food 4 Less is worn-out. When I visit this Food 4 Less, I feel like I am doing a time-warp into the 80's. I have been told that this had been a former Albertson's location years ago. The interior is a dismal paint job that looks out of date for the late 80's. A few times that I have gone here, the shopping carts were locked together and there have been zero hand baskets. Not very welcoming. The selection in this 80's store falls short of Smith's. I cannot get my egg plant parmesan at Food 4 Less where I could get it at Smith's. By the time of checking-out there seems to be a couple of lanes open. My last impression of leaving the store is bagging my own groceries. It could be a frustrating experience when there is gridlock caused by customers leisurely bagging their groceries. The truth is that if Food 4 Less was not in the same shopping center as Starbucks, or practically across the street from my home, I would eliminate it from my supermarket routine.
Kroger's management promotes Food 4 Less as the low cost leader. In my opinion they are saving money on passing over long overdue remodels. Shopping in both stores, I realized there has been very little difference in the weight loss of my wallet. A light bulb illuminated a question in my head, "Is Food 4 Less really that much less $ than Smith's." I would become an investigative Yelper. With a pen and pad I went price comparing at both stores. What I found was unexpected. Below are the items that I compared.
Item Smith's Food 4 Less
Kroger Kettle chips $2 $2
Aim 88 cents 98 cents
Egg plant parmesan $3.99 X
Twin blade plus razors $2.49 $2.98
Minute Made O.J. $3.59 $2.98
Meow Mix $4.67 $4.38
Gallon milk $2.98 $2.68
rice sides $1 $1
Juicy Juice $2.99 $2.98
4 pound sugar $2.49 $1.98
Kroger stars soup $1.09 98 cents
Bud Ice 32 ounce $2.09 $1.88
Yellow onions 89 cents 50 cents
strawberrys Lb. $2.29 $2.68
Total amount: $29.45 $28.01
The conclusion of my yelp investigating is that I saved $1.44 at Food 4 Less. That difference is less than a cup of coffee at Starbuck's.
Yelp Challenge Review 40 of 100.