Let me preface by saying I did not end up getting the piercing I was desperately wanting.
Ok - so, sigh. I really wanted to get an adult piercing this weekend and my girlfriend told me we could get a two-for-one deal at Xtremities. Sounded good to me.
The shop is open until 9pm so we rolled in at around 8pm. We stood around for 5 to 10 minutes before being greeted. When asked what we wanted the VERY young girl behind the counter looked very put off and told me she had no clean clamps and she could not do the piercing tonight.
I suppose it was too much for me to think I could walk into a piercing shop an hour before they close and actually get a piercing. Not sure I would go back, there just seems something so sketchy about the whole "no clean clamps" thing.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I am happy they have a policy about not using dirty clamps, but I was very unimpressed.
THAT BEING SAID (ya, I yelled it) I hear Sonia (who was not working Friday night) is amazing. So maybe I will try one more time.. maybe not.