Place is joke. Everything about it. The staff is sub par, the over priced drinks, the terrible service, along with no vape/ e cigs allowed - so you are only allowed to suck on cancer sticks. One day they let us in for free the next day they want to charge a 30 dollar cover for me, and the 10 dollar cover for my girl even as guests of the Mirage - only to find out other guests of the Mirage were only charged $10. One day they say free for guests before 12 (even tho our first day there we showed up at 230p and weren't charged) the next day it's before 11a. Who gets up that early in vegas? Just make up rules as you get along. Mind you my girl was one of the only girls to be topless and hot in the place. As Jenna from Bare Management said below "everyday is different" she isn't kidding....every day, every hour, and every person is different. Clearly represented in the lack of uniformed rules and rates for each guest.
The pool is tiny cess pool that has a tiny tint of grey instead of having a clear color. Over crowded because most people don't want to pay the overpriced lounge chair prices so they all sit pool side.
The management, whoever it may be is absolutely horrible. How do they turn down guests who don't want to pay 40 per couple with 2 hours left of the pool being open? They obviously are going to be paying for drinks.
We chose to stay at the Mirage because they have a topless pool - the sad part is the hotel takes no responsibility for the management at Bare because they are not affiliated - they only rent space to them. So the extra $200 in resort fees does not include access to Bare.
I give the one star for the cute girls in bikinis with hot bodies serving drinks, the music, and best of all the lifeguard for a 3 1/2 foot pool with his david hasslehoff rescue device. Hass to the Hoff my man!!!