| - I have itchy feet, the travel bug, whatever you'd like to call it. One of my major goals in life is to visit every country in the world at least once. So, to keep track of my goal I headed down to Maptown, looking to buy a world map.
I was surprised by the amount of maps, guidebooks and globes they had. That's not including all of the related accessories, either. They had big maps, little maps, geographical maps and the kind that show all the formations. They had maps of obscure places and familiar places, and guidebooks for just about every part of the world.
The staff were extremely helpful, and helped me get a laminated map to suit my needs. They also had washable markers and map tape, so I could mark off the countries I've already been too and plan the routes of where I'm going next. I was thoroughly impressed by the size of the store and the sheer quantity of stuff they fit into it!