I liked this place, and would probably go there often to see the new stuff, if it were closer to where I live. I will still probably go, out of my way as it is, because I know it has the potential to serve me up some good finds. You can just tell these things.
When this next time occurs, I will be sure to lug over some of my old stuff cuz there is a certain part of my closet that may as well have a revolving door on it. The other part should have a glass case and an alarm system, in case you were wondering. But seriously? I never thought that thrift store shopping could get any more exciting and then you lay this trade and sell business on me. Pretty good idea, methinks.
Another good idea? If anybody here is like, a size zero, get your tiny ass over there and buy the greatest pair of hottest pinkest jeans (they're Wrangler, too!!) I have ever seen in my life. It will do nothing but hurt me if I have to look at them again with the knowledge that I can't buy them. I considered even making them into a denim pillow or something.