Flight 2079 in Las Vegas and long beach 726 to san jose on june 20th 2017. Never again fly jet blue air line again. Crappy customer service. Called the 1800 number the night before and did nothing to help and they said go to the boarding sight they will help you so i waited. So i go the the day of my flight and they wont help and on top of that our connecting flight is delayed twice and not of act of god. Like i said never again fly Jet blue. And even people i talked to had the attidue of oh well move on...never again. Also as i typed this the plane is delayed in Vegas because of over heated breaks and they have no fans on sight. She actually said this in front of all the customers so un professional. Three delays and no accommodations to helps. Never again. Also i ment I n this experience how my Vegas trip went. Great just done ever fly Jet blue and youll have a great time . update still here ground crew and captin had miss communication. They loaded a bunch of costomers with special needs ie. Wheel chairs
on a hot plane and then after 30 mins they pulled them off all because a ground lead and captin miss information. This air line is horrible no communication.