It was a fun time. It would have been great time if the buggies didn't break down twice during our 1 hour baja chase. About 5 minutes after we started, the back tire of my buggy came off. The leader of our chase came to the rescue and blamed the new guy in the garage for not tightening the lug nuts, something he's apparently done before. So I had to ride with the leader until they got me another buggy. After 10 minutes, they finaly tow out another buggy for me and resume the chase. After another 5 minutes, the leader's buggy breaks his tire rod. So we stop again and wait in the heat for the leader to get a new buggy. 15 mins later, we resume the chase and once we got going, the chase was fun. The trails and hills were good. The leader added the lost time to our chase so we did get a full hour of dunes. But, it would have been more enjoyable if the buggies were in better condition.