On a random road trip to Trader Joe's on a 35 degree night somehow my roommate and I ended up at U-Swirl. Frozen Yogurt on a frozen Las Vegas night? What the hell was I thinking? Whatever it was, I am very happy that I went.
The flavor and toppings selections are plentiful and delicious. I tried Red Velvet Cake along with a little Raspberry Pomegranate. I love any place that actually has fresh fruit as a topping because I feel it adds to the texture of the dessert.
I feel like a big thing that kept this place from getting 5 stars was the fact that it was extremely corporate, unlike my favorite Poppy's down in Mountain's Edge. In order to sample a flavor you have to ask someone behind the counter and they will come out and give you a sample cup. I don't mind the idea of it but it feels like they are criminalizing their customers all for a tiny portion of frozen yogurt goodness. Aside from that the selection, toppings, and cozy yet fun ambiance make me excited to go back. Hopefully next time my hands won't be frozen before and after eating here.