If i can put negative 5 stars j would have. Ordered the dinner cruise almost 2 months in advance as part for my first year wedding anniversary. They called me the day of the tour one hour and a half before i was suppose to leave. And told us the tour is canceled because they lacked 6 people to come on the boat. I was ready to go had the rest of the evening planned and they call me such late notice. Also was on the verge of tears cause i was excited to go because i believed it would be an romantic thing my husband and i can do on our first year of marriage together .
I suggest dont buy this tour if you care about you schedule or if it is an special event. as they will cancel on you and not even have sympathy and just tell you the will refund the money in 3-5 business days or reschedule for next week IF ONLY THEY HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE FOR THAT BOAT as well . They ruined my wedding anniversary for me as i planned this for so long as part of my gift . Never ever going to even try to buy this shit again.