i don't know who this woman is and really don't care to know who she is either not after she started emailing me making accusations that I know her exhuband and thats why the connecion couldn't be made. Guess she hasto make some excuse. Lady you honestly think that if I knew your exhusband I would be coming to you for a reading. I think not. Don't know what planet you are on or what you are taking and don't care to know either . The previous review was of my experience as a client with her. I don't lie... Look at er negative review with KS he is doing the samething to me that she has done to her. She is obviously in it for just the money and not helping or giving guidence or directions. I still stand by my belief she is not real why else would she being going after me if she knows it's not the truth. and she has a huge clientel. Watch out cause this lady will send you nothing but negative energy not a true psychic. I don't care how many times she tries to justify things..... Pychics don't harass andsend ngative energy unless they are not true psychics and know this then they will harass you. I was very generous in my review and I said she was a very nice lady I am retracting this right now... Watch out and don't get taken advantage of by her....