Very nice place to shop, not overwhelming.
How it works is only one size of each style is on the floor so that they can fit you.
SO! Be prepared to have a woman in your dressing room- I wore a dress that day so she did see my nice underwear..!
I learned a thing or two about bra fittings...but here is the problem. Price! I get that the bras have come all the way from France but would it be so awful to have something in the 50 dollar range instead of 90 dollars and up? One bra was 175 dollars....which okay it's something you wear constanlty and I get that 85 percent of women are wearing the wrong size....but no two bras are created any more equal then buying jeans. Sometimes your a size 4 and sometimes a 6 or an 8-depends on the clothing.
So please tell me why dropping 175 dollars on a bra is nessecary.....??