1/4/16 -
Lol! After my "no show" appointment on 11/12/15 (wasn't really a no-show-- THEY screwed up my appointment when they rescheduled it for the next day).
Some background info: I had an appointment scheduled for 11/11/15 at 2pm, had to move it to the next day and I told them the same time since they had it open. My bad for not specifying that 2pm is 2pm, not 1:20pm! So we get there at 2 and they tell me I'm 40 minutes late. Huh??? Then they told me when I get my statement in the mail to call and see if I can get it waived. I already decided this office sucks and now only go to the Summerlin one, even if it's a farther drive.
I called 12/2/15 when I got the statement for the no show fee. The lady on the phone was super nice and said she handled it, no worries. Here I am, 1/4/16 and just got another statement in the mail saying I owe that $30 from that day I "no showed" lol! How funny. Calling again tomorrow and making sure I write allll names down this time!
1/5/16 -
Called and spoke to Celia (making sure I keep that name down!), she said that it would be waived. We'll see if I update this again next month with another letter in the mail about the fee or not!