| - I have just recently moved out of Apache Station; this move has come two years too late.
When I first moved in, I was a sophomore in college and I enjoyed the laid-back atmosphere Apache provided. I was a frequent attender of the social gatherings and parties held by the complex at the front pool.
As a junior, a year later, I was also relieved to see that the parties had dwindled, as now I was focused on my budding career. The social atmosphere was never a problem.
In my junior year, I transfered from a two bedroom to a single, and this is where the trouble seemed to escalate. I had maintenance on speed dial- my fridge was constantly breaking, my water pipes were clogged, and a horrid smell was emitting from the combination of a broken fridge and a soiled drainage pipe. This problem, despite maintenance's frequent visits and "fixed" persisted for two years. I stuck it out, though, because I knew I would be moving shortly after graduation.
One month ago, I returned my keys and felt a sense of relief as I moved into a new apartment in Gilbert that does not leak air, does not smell moldy, and has working light fixtures.
My relief was short lived.
A few day ago, I was notified that my bank account was negative $500. I quickly checked the balance and transactions, and noticed that although I cancelled recurring payments of Apache's auto-pay, my $700 rent still went out. I will admit here that I am at fault; I should have checked to see if it truly did cancel, but I thought a quick call to my old residency would fix this problem.
I was informed, rudely, by the front office staff that there was no way to reverse this charge. The staff informed me as well that the manager would not be available to speak to until Monday, but "We can return your check along with your security deposit within 30-60 business days."
This lead me to a different question: Where indeed was my security deposit? I left my single spotless. There may have been some "living" wear and tear (possible spots left on the carpet, hard water in the shower), but what I was told was the "damage" was unheard of.
I was charged a fee of $150 for a deposit two years ago. I now find myself owing Apache $100. Why, you ask?
Toilet cleaning fee: $25
Counter-top cleaning: $55.00
New carpet (which Apache does anyway before leasing another room): $100
Wall repair: $75
and a few outstanding odds and ends including "drawer fixing" (one screw was loose- I asked which drawer), which was a fee of $30.
I requested an itemized list of said charges, only to be told that it had been sent and my address confirmed. I still have not received this list.
I was then informed that, although 10 minutes prior to this discussion on my missing deposit it was stated that my $700 would indeed be returned, it seems now that they have no record of a $700 check.
Here is how rent works at Apache:
You may choose to write a personal check, or you may use their automated system. I set my bank account up to deliver a personal check of $700 every 31st of the month in order for it to arrive at Apache by the 5th of the following month, which is when all rent is due. They usually cash all rent checks on the 9th- something I was aware of.
My $700 rent went out on the 31st of July, again, my mistake, and was just cashed yesterday. In order for me to be out $700, Apache MUST have cashed this check; they insist they have not cashed it and the money is still in my account.
I was asked to provide a bank statement proving they cashed it, but I had to report in person to the complex by Monday before 4:00pm. I work full time in Queen Creek: there is no possible way this can happen. I was told with a brief 'sorry' that that was all that could be done.
I am working with my bank to reverse the charges, but in the meantime, I advise any potential tenants to please be very careful when applying. Hidden fees and charges will sneak up on you and your lease will never end.