I discovered Creature Comforts when my old orange tabby, Colby, had become too sick with lymphoma for me to feel comfortable leaving him at home alone when I went out of town. Plus he had to be given his medicine daily. So when I met Matt and he told me about his company, I decided to try them out. I'm so glad I did! He took wonderful care of Colby, including sending me a picture of him on my bed. It made me feel so good to know he was in good care while I was gone. Unfortunately, Colby passed away soon after that, but I got a new kitten within 2 weeks! Now Creature Comforts is taking care of Nico (who can be seen on their facebook page) when I go out of town. Their rates are very reasonable, and Matt is very trustworthy (he's actually just kept a key to my apt for future visits). I highly recommend Matt and Creature Comforts to take care of your pet in the Charlotte area. Matt is not only a smart businessman, but a true animal lover too!