I cannot express how excited I was to find this wine tasting room on the property of Joe's Farm Grill. If you haven't eaten at Joe's yet, you must. Anyway, it was my birthday so my kids brought me to Joe's so that I could get my free birthday meal. After lunch, we decided to explore and I saw a sign that said, "Wine tasting." What? For those who know me, wine tasting is one of my favorite hobbies. So yay! I was beyond excited. We walked in and just decided to get a glass each. The ladies working that day were so friendly and inviting. They pointed to their outdoor area and suggested we have a seat and they would bring our glasses to us. They also brought out a large bottle of water with plenty of glasses for us all. I loved sitting outside enjoying my glass of wine on a beautiful day. I love what they did with their outside area. Aside from the fact that it was really close to a main road, it was just a really relaxing space. I guess I would worry a bit about how they will do when it gets hot because most of their seating seems to be outside, but I guess that's for them to worry about. Overall, I really loved this little spot and can't wait to return with the hubby or maybe my wine sisterhood to do a little tasting.