I do agree that the store maybe a little bit pricey but it's a chain and it's exactly what you would expect from a Dicks' s sporting good store. Their selection is excellent. The shoe dept is huge. This is a two- level store with camping and hunting and fishing and golf items upstairs. Sales associates are pretty knowledgeable. If they don't have what you want at the store, you can order it online or have it shipped from another store. They run some pretty good sales, especially at Black Friday. I like the location because it it is attached to a mall so it is very convenient. I just bought a hitch bike rack and some folding chairs and the sales associate let me use a 20 percent off coupon that I found online that had no date so I will post it here. The price for the bike rack actually rang up wrong but when I told him it was on sale, which it was, and told him the sale price, he honored it without question.