If I had a dime (hehe...) for every time I wanted delicious Cheba Hut, but was too lazy to get it...well...I forgot where I was going with that. My point is that they deliver, and within a wide radius at that. Hopefully, it's in that groovy microbus.
They also cater, which is nice because let's face it--guys like me can probably eat a whole tray. I'll have them bring a platter or five to my workplace, and hopefully they can throw in some Bob Marley posters and glow in the dark stickers. Okay, I'll settle for another 4/20 frisbee.
In any case, any minor complaint I had about this place is either improved or easily forgotten. I could be vegetarian and just sustain myself with your magic mushroom subs every day. Oh, the alfalfa sprouts...someone just got the munchies.