Came here to watch Black Panther, and christ sake it was frustrating. So first things first, there were ten minutes of ads before the movie even started. Half of them were plugging the movie theater itself and the last one was so loud it blew out the speakers for the rest of the movie. Either that, or they attempted to rebalance the sound at the last second and ended up muting the crap out of the music for the rest of the movie, giving it no punch. What's even worse is that the screen itself was violently shaking and made even the quieter scenes hard to follow without getting a headache. I couldn't leave to ask to have it fixed without missing the movie, so I guess I'm s.o.l. I've been sitting here for half an hour in my car waiting for the headache to go away, but it doesn't seem to be going away. For the movie theater if they're interested it was theater 17.