This is a contender for the diviest bar in this section of Old Town. It is a toss up between here and Gilligan's, imho. DJ's is much less intentionally trashy, whereas Gilligan's tries to pull off "trashy-chic" so score some extra points for it in that regard. For whatever reason, I kinda like that about it.
It also has one of the highest probabilities of showcasing a good old fashioned bar fight. For whatever reason, I've seen more fights here than anywhere else in town (this place nudges out Loco Patron).
The drinks here are stiff and the staff doesn't mess around. They are serious about keeping you in line and as wasted as you should be on a given night.
So if you're thinking about getting rowdy, this might be a good place to start. Just don't be surprised if you get tossed out for being a little too ambitious with your intentions.