Best to shop here after 8 or 9 p.m. 'though selection at that time might be less than perfect
the staff in the evening are really sweet
avoid the evil self checkout
it's a toss up.
fools in huge SUV's earlier in the day VS reduced selection of bread/on sale products and produce later in the evening (shelves often have bald spots)
terrible meat selection,all the time.
the organic/natural selection is quite good
only used this pharmacy once- slow, minimal response,scant information
if you are getting (and trust me this never happens) only a few items that you can easily carry, park 'way out' in the lot i:e: closer to the Sheppard/Bayview intersection OR
carefully (really carefully) drive past the doors in the undercover/underground parking
and swirl your way down to the lower level. It's great there. Just be sure to stay on your side of the yellow line. leave your bulky coat in the car and take the elevator right up to the shopping level. THAT is the best part of shopping there
there is a very good flower selection
lousy lousy lousy
usually unclean washroom near the flowers,they could do MUCH better
for bulk canned goods,rice and some ethnic products and most of my fruit and veg I go to the Vic Park No Frills
so this Loblaws is for stuff i need and don't want to drive too far from home
but i only go there in the evening