Claude Borders' love for kids and music is about as big as you can get! It's hard to imagine any other place to learn music where you'll feel as much devotion to the craft.
I have never worked with EAA or Claude, but we've known each other for years through our shared love of music and kids. I can tell you without a doubt that if you're teaching music to your children, THIS is the place you want to be.
And if you're not, START NOW. Kids with music education:
* score two letter grades higher on average than their peers in math and the sciences,
* have higher IQs than their classmates,
* have a lower drop-out rate,
....and my favorite....
* literally grow more synapses in the brain, giving them a greater capacity for learning. (Yes, childhood music has been shown to enlarge the brain.)
Want smarter, happier, more well-rounded kids? Get thee to Ensemble Arts Academy!