| - The last dated review on Yelp was November 29, 2014.
I came to Vegas in early December because my friend invited me to her holiday party. Free booze, free food, and free lodging...pretty much the best deal there is coming to Vegas.
I spent one full day here, and being that my friend worked on that day, I decided to peruse around the non-casino parts of Vegas to see what local fare I could try.
It took me like, three hours to get out of the apartment. Not because I was doing anything special, or looking food up, or waiting for a repairman to show up - I was depressed. Like, legitimately depressed. Getting out of the house is really, really difficult, which is why getting to Vegas is weird, but it's a solitary trip through the mountains so whatever.
28GO sounded awesome. Bulgogi in a fucking waffle? Sign me the fuck up. Pork belly on rice? HELLLOOOOO. My stomach was literally ready. I was, for once, actually looking forward to something. I know it's food, which is weird, but it was *something*.
I arrive and...nothing. The door is closed. The windows are tinted out so I can barely see anything inside. No movement whatsoever from the inside - no one going in, no one going out. Sound of silence. Locked. Naturally this would mean I recheck the hours - nope, they're supposed to be open for sure. It's not a holiday, it's a regular Saturday during normal business hours - hell, even if the place closed at 2p or 3p and opened back up for dinner, I'd still have made it within the lunch timeframe.
I called to see if it was open...because despite it's clear closed appearance, I was determined.
No answer. No signs. Regular posted hours in the window, as if maybe I was a ghost living in a different astral plane, and on Earth there were actual people and it really was open.
I reported it as closed, and ended up having to find somewhere else.
I'd be happy to delete my review if someone from the establishment lets me know wtf is going on, because I want people to come here, it sounds great. I live close enough to Vegas that I definitely would visit again - and soon - and I WANT that bulgogi stuffed waffle, so..yeah.