There was no locking door or keypad to ensure that not just anyone could enter the center and/or a child possibly get out of the center. I wanted to leave once I walked in. My husband and I came to have a tour to possibly sign up our children. When we walked in the center director and another young girl working there were talking about their weekend, looked up at us then continued to finish there story then finally asked us if they can help. Then we were redirected to their IPAD to fill out a form. Then we were given the tour. After she told me they just went through a HUGE turn over recently were a lot of people quit, and that most of their people haven't been there long that was the first red flag not to mention no one looked happy, weren't dressed professionally at all including the center director. The rooms all smelt STRONGLY of bleach, were very gross looking and filled to the max with kids. Also, I noticed outside of 3 of the rooms there was a caddy of cleaners OPEN just setting on the floor outside the rooms. I had to grad my child so she didn't get into it and poison herself. Then the director showed us the lunch area and said that sometimes if the kids want to stay there and eat by themselves or with a friend that "Someone" will be watching them. Well needless to say there was NO ONE around that could be watching any kids in that area. Overall I would never bring my child here as it is UNSAFE with an unlocked/Unsecured front door, open containers of deadly cleaners sitting on the floor where a child can easily drink it, get it in their eyes, etc. And the level of professionalism was the worst I've seen for a place like this in my book as a professional myself this was so ridiculous. You'd think if there were scheduled tours that day you'd at least look and act your best. I'm glad I saw that though.