When I brought my shoes in an older lady greeted me, she was very friendly and the older man came out and was just as friendly. He told me it would $25 for my shoes and I asked him to fix a piece on my hat and he said it would be free I was very impressed so I paid with two 20s and he gave me 15 change and a ticket to pick up my items in the morning.
But when I came back the next day only the lady is up front and she's not as friendly I give her the ticket and she says that's not the right ticket. So I point to my shoes and hat and it's tag on it that says I paid $21 and I owed her 4 dollars. So I try to reach for my shoes that I know I paid for and she gets in screaming match with me. Eventually the man comes from the back and the lady is swearing that she took the money from me herself and she knows for a fact I only paid $21. So at this point I won't even to talk to her anymore because she's being that ridiculous, she's holding my shoes back and talking over me so I can't get a word in. I was in shock at the absolute lack of customer service and disrespect. So I remind the old man of our transaction the day before and at first he has amnesia too until I tell him the exact change he handed me which was $15. Why would I have the money to pay for my shoes and only give $21 and if I did why did he hand me change? After almost 10 minutes of this craziness the man finally remember and tries to calm her down because he KNOWS I paid. Now she wants to be a little nicer and apologize. But I just feel like it was a scam for 4 extra dollars for some reason. They did a great job fixing my shoes but the extra drama is so unnecessary. I was willing to tip for the good job they did before she tried to play me.