I've been wanting to see this exhibit for a while but never could convince the hubby or kids. I never could check it out when it was in Buena Park CA because the Groupon was always sold out and I was just too cheap to pay regular rates! But then I came to Vegas and of course, being the penny pincher I am I checked the Groupon's in the area and guess what? I scored! Booyah! I got two adult and two children admissions for 56 buckaroos! So, okay, I might have fibbed just a little, because I had to pretend my 14 year old daughter was 12, but hey, they don't really ask or seem to care.
The exhibit is well, you know, educational, so if y'all folks don't like reading you ain't gonna learn a whole lot! But you will still appreciate the intricate nature of our bodies and be left in aw! My kids enjoyed it but felt queezy. Bunch of cry babies if you ask me! Take advantage of this awesome exhibit!