This is the only birth center in the valley that accepts VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarian) patients, and I am a very happy customer from the support I have received.
1. The birth center assesses the vbac risk per patient throughout the pregnancy up to delivery. I like that they have hospital gadgets like ultrasound and doppler to gauge the health of mom and baby, but they also have the personalized care/homey ambiance you can receive from home birth by midwife. They have a plan b (transfer to hospital) for worst case scenario--exactly that, not CYA practice common in hospitals wary of lawsuits for pregnant moms not adhering to "typical labor and delivery schedule".
2. They promote natural means of giving birth whenever possible. I am a healthy woman but ended up having csection in a well-respected hospital in Phoenix after not responding "as expected within 24 hrs" when medically induced and all the while just strapped on the bed with IV and continuous monitoring devices but otherwise healthy without infection, etc. For my second child, I was advised by the birth center to try alternative induction techniques using herbs, physical stimulation, etc, until I was able to deliver naturally after more than 24 hours of labor. I am happy everyone waited for my body to do what it's supposed to do.
3. Reasonable cost plus plenty of personalized care compared to my previous experience when I had to deal with bogus expenses and inflated prices for my hospital bill. Also, I prefer the long conversations with the midwife vs. "fast food style"-fast prenatal visits with my ex-obgyns. I also appreciate the home visits.
Not as efficient with paperwork unlike the doctor's offices because they don't have dedicated admin staff. In my case, this is not a big deal and can be solved by follow-up. I figured this is eventually cost savings passed on to clients.
I highly recommend this birth center to low risk healthy pregnant women. I also advise on hiring a doula if possible (I hired Julie Stautberg--one of my best decisions in life)