| - I have been a Cox customer since 1996. That's fifteen years of paying them each and every month. Finally I decided to give DirecTV a try, though I kept my broadband with Cox.
Through the years there have been ups and downs in their service, but not unlike any other big semi-monopoly. Then, after getting rid of cable television, I went into this "digital store" to return their equipment--cable boxes and remotes etc. What I did not realize was that my DirecTV Internet interface box had been placed with all of the Cox equipment. I just dropped the box and went home, discovering the error later that day, after the retail store had closed. I called Cox and was told there was no way to call the store directly. They told me they would email the person that waited on me as well as the manager. They would call me right back and set the DirecTV part aside for me to pick up later.
You see where this is going. No call the next day, or the day after or the day after. I finally had a chance to get back down to their store during retail hours and they acted like they had never heard of this. The guy went to the back room for a few minutes to make a show of searching for it, but came back emptry. So sorry, we just threw way (or otherwise lost) this $80 part of yours.
Sure, my fault for putting in with the Cox stuff. But after all of my years in retail, and all of the effort I put into tracking down customers that left items in my stores over those years, I felt the Cox's reaction to this business was just terrible and exactly what I would expect these days from a company that has grown too large.