| - Sapell's!
What I LIKE:
They're close! I live on Clifton near Cove, so my choices are Sapell's and Giant Eagle and I dislike the ridiculously expensive options at Giant Eagle.
They're Clean! Lately, this store has been on it. You can expect a clean store everything very neatly organized.
Their Produce & Meat: There isn't the largest selection, but what they do have is 99% of the time the freshest you will find. You don't have to pick through apples and peppers to find a non-bruised one.
Their Meat is on Point! It ALWAYS looks and smells fresh, I honestly choose to get my meat from Sapell's over GE any day.
They're Quick! Never expect to wait in line more than 5 minutes.
Honestly, it's hard for me to find something I don't like. When people on here say they're are shady characters, thy are spot on. It's not uncommon to hear a loud, drunk man or woman yelling at an invisible person, but that comes with the territory of offering lots of booze choices.
So in short, it's not the grocery store I full on grocery shop at, but between grocery shopping, if I need to make a meal, I know I can come here and get about everything I need and not be disappointed!