| - When it comes to Montreal, one could certainly do a lot worse than the Hotel Maritime Plaza. Sure, it was a bit run down and antiquated, but the price almost always justified it. Somewhere between $80-110USD range was the price I'd pay to stay here, but I won't be staying here anymore since it's now officially closed for good.
It wasn't always about the price, the location was certainly a plus as well. Near handful of decent shopping spots, restaurants, and a stone's throw away from Crescent where there was plenty of nightlife. I certainly spent less time in the hotel, which is always a good thing.
I certainly won't miss the hard bed, the closet sized gym or what they called a "business center" and that slow draining water drove me crazy one stay. It's hard to believe that this was considered a 4 star establishment, especially when even the complimentary breakfast was just slim pickins food wise.
The other reason I would tolerate a stay or two here was because of the service. Though they couldn't make up for their in house inadequacies, they were always willing to help switch out rooms, adjust reservations, and assist guests in the name of keeping us satisfied. I was even swapped out a TV for another, when my picture was blurry and the remote wasn't working.
But unlike televisions, there is no coming back for the HMP. May other hotels learn from its passing.