I highly recommend this dentist office! It's super convenient, the staff is incredible, and the receptionist is so friendly. I switched to WLD a few years ago, and I am happy that I did. My husband is a patient here as well. They take most insurances & pricing is very reasonable if you are someone without dental insurance. They also do not take advantage and tell you that you have 10 cavities each visit like aspen dental or one of those ridiculous chains.
I'd also like to me to mention that even though this is on the main drag, I never had issues with street parking. I am always in & out in under 40 minutes for a cleaning. I mean who doesn't love to jet out of the dentists office immediately? WLD also offers some Saturday appointments, but they are very limited and fill up 6+ months in advance. West liberty dentistry is a great locally owned business and I will continue to be a patient.