Some people don't realize what it is like behind the scenes in the hospital. I see people complaining about the empty ED waiting room and how they still have to wait hours to be seen. You may be sitting there with your broken hand or with an upset stomach or itchy because of an allergen. But what you don't know is that behind doors physicians and nurses are in the middle of saving the lives of people who need priority care... people who will most likely die if not cared for first. 20 physicians and nurses could be working on that 2 year old who stopped breathing after being pulled out from underwater as she fights to live, or they could be caring for that family who were slammed into by a semi while hoping that the parents don't die so their children won't grow up as orphans. Some people may complain about how their physician is stuck up or how their nurse doesn't give them enough attention. Sure those behaviors are not acceptable, but sometimes you need to be empathetic. You are not the only patient the physician has to care for. He/she may have over 50 patients they're responsible for that day. That nurse may be busy resuscitating that critical patient whose condition is tanking fast. It is not easy being responsible for so many people's lives. My point is that Banner University Medical Center is a great hospital with amazing physicians and nurses who work hard to develop their skills and knowledge. The work that these health care providers and staff members do is all in the interest of providing excellent patient centered care. I would highly recommend this hospital to anyone deciding which Banner facility to go to.