The burgers here are amazing! Love the options and the meat quality. The food alone is probably worth 4.5 stars, however there are a number of things that prevent that.
First, eat it hot and its amazing. Wait, and your jarge style cheesy poof is gonna just be a mushy mess. Even hot its nice and gooey, but melted cheese just tastes better hot.
In order to eat it hot, you need to find a table. Good luck with that. Seating here is limited. There are also huge steps to trip over just getting to the counter. NOT FOR KIDS or large parties. Most people seem to get it to go, however that prevents you from enjoying it HOT.
Prices are high. It's a good burger, but this is priced in the $$ range which demands high expectations. I've burgers just as good or better for smaller prices.
When it comes down to just the burger though, my Pope Jarge Style (5) didn't disappoint. Amazing flavor and quality! Love the Jarge style fried cheese thingy you can add to any burger. But you gotta eat it hot.
That Vatican dog is a joke. Too small. Don't get it unless you're really craving a nicely grilled regular hot dog and love overpaying.