| - My name is Kennedy and my mommy planned a birthday party for me at Amazing Jakes. I turned 3 years old. My mommy and her best friend visited AJ 1 week before my birthday party. They went over billing, which room the party would be located in, decorations, games/rides and took a tour. My mommy also asked for a special request for my birthday. She asked if they could play my favorite cartoon Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. This is my favorite cartoon, it draws my attention the most and makes me laugh. You see friends, I was diagnosed with Autism moderate-severe earlier this year, and I've also had numerous visits to Urgent Care/ER most of this year, surgery, and I have speech and language therapy weekly. Anyways, it's been a rough year for me and my family so it was really important to my mommy that I have an "Amazing" birthday party. After all, you only turn 3 once and we wanted to have a great time. My mommy spoke to a manager named Amy who provided us with good news initially. She told my mommy that she will be able to make an accommodation and play my favorite cartoon during my party so I can laugh and dance. She kept her promise and on the day of my party I walked into the room and Daniel Tiger was on the big screen. Big smiles. Here is where it went bad. Upon arrival my mommy already made the reservation and a deposit so she was ready to pay the bill as soon as we got there. The cashier told her no and that they will take payment at the end of the party, so my mommy proceeded to pay for helium to have my 5 Daniel Tiger Balloons blown up and then we were taken to our party area. The party host (who wasn't very good and kept my mommy's attention on him instead of me during my whole party) kept asking questions and following my mommy around. He finally asked us what type of pizza and drinks we wanted and left to get them. While he was gone my mommy was finally able to begin greeting all of my friends and guests who arrived. The party host brought the pizza and drinks and also brought the game cards out for me and my friends. After we finished with pizza my mommy had to clean all the tables, carry trays and remove dirty dishes because the Party Host primary concern was more about the bill and money vs my party and my cake. He returned with a $400 bill and offered to take my mommy's debit card to the front. I stayed with my family while my mommy and best friend went to the front to discuss the error. Apparently, every guest that had arrived was being added to the bill and took HOURS for the Amazing Jakes team to sort out. AJ took the 10 cards away and held onto them even though they were included in the reservation price + tax that my mommy asked to pay in the beginning, but was advised to wait till the end. The issue should've been resolved quickly and not take HOURS and keeping my mommy away from the party and the game cards away from me (The Birthday Girl) and the other 10 kids. The issues with the bill took so long my mommy had to carry the cake in, search for a knife to cut the cake and come serve it when that was the Party Hosts job. Instead he stayed and argued with my family and guests along with the manager during that shift. The party was horrible and not amazing at all. Oh yeah, I finally got 5/10 cards at the end of the party but everyone was tired, and drained and ready to go home and it wasn't because it was fun. After a week of reporting bad service to the mangers at AJ, a general manager told my mommy there is nothing they will do. No sorry, no remorse, no refund.
My Mom, family, friends, and by standers who witnessed this terrible service said that from now on we will have my birthday parties at another place so I can have an Amazing experience.
#AutismParent #FamilyMatters #SingleMom #EveryKidDeservesAnAmazingBirthday