Stay away from this Walmart!
I had no idea that Walmart could get anymore ghetto, but this particular location changed my mind about that. This is the most ghetto-est Walmart that I have ever been to and I felt unsafe the entire time I was here with my husband.
Employees here aren't very friendly or helpful.
After I used the woman's restroom (thank goodness it was descent) and walked over to wash my hands, the paper towels were pretty much thrown all over the floor and not placed in the paper towel dispenser (where it should have been). I washed my hands and dried my hands with some tissue that I had in my pocket (allergies are not my friend, so I keep a stash of Kleenex with me... I know its uncool but at least I won't have a running nose). One of the employees also came out of a stall and she just said "oh my word" and then just washed her hands and walked out. I ended up following her to the other side of the store to rent a movie from one of the Redbox Kiosk machines (there is one on each entrance side). Well I wasn't following her but I just happen to be going the exact same way as her. What bothered me about this employee was that although she saw how messy the woman's restroom was, she didn't bother to tell anyone about it to clean up the mess or help with the problem.
Anyways, I would never come back to this Walmart ever again... you have been warned!