| - So if you are anything like me and are tired of the same ol' drink that is the equivalent to the missionary position (something that works but has become a monotonous bore), and you are in the mood to mix things up and experiment a little with your hard lickers, um, I mean liquors, then read on. The problem that I always run into is that I don't want to slut myself out to every single drink possibility out here in the Valley before I find the one cocktail that wets my tongue. If you are in the same position as myself, then this is the right place for you, with bartenders that will school you in the Karma Sutra of mixology.
It's also the perfect locale, nestled at the base of mount Camelback, with a view that will get you in the mood to try new things.
Being master mixologists, the bartenders know how to get the juices flowing with just the right amount of bite. They really know how to work their cocktails. Tell them what you've tried in the past, and what you liked and what you didn't like, and their experience gives them the ability to create that unique, euphoric taste you've been aching for. They'll convince you to try things you've never been open to try before, and these new flavors will knock your panties off.
Oddly enough, they'll will be able to concoct a cocktail you will LOVE, even if it contains something that you don't normally drink. One of the bartenders looked at me and fingered me as a gin gal, even though I've never been a big gin fan. He made me a champagne cocktail spiked with gin. Sounds terrible, yes? WRONG. It was delicious, and I went back for more. And more. And more.
When you are bored of swallowing the same flavor, and decide that you are ready to have an open relationship with your alcohol, take my advice and experiment a little. Go to the Jade Bar.