I had booked them for our wedding and had high hopes since I liked their cupcakes. The Tuesday before I dropped off our custom cake topper with our name and wedding date on it and made sure they knew it was for our Saturday wedding and made sure they knew what time to drop it off. The girl who never gave me her name promised me she would make sure it got there with the cake at noon. Come Saturday the cakes didn't arrive till after 1 o'clock. It wasn't until after the ceremony that I saw my cake topper wasn't with it. My husband than told me not only were they late but they didn't bring it. He asked them when they were dropping it off to bring it back and was told they would. Fast forward to 3 o'clock and it's not here. We understood the weather was bad but when we called for an update no one knew where it was. It finally showed up right before the cake was to be cut and we weren't apologized to even though we both expressed how disappointed we were. I was than told no one told the driver that the topper had to go with it and it technically wasn't supposed to be there till 3 so imagine how much that made it worse. I've learned my lesson and will never suggest them to anyone and will warn future brides.