I *thought* we had reciprocity for a discount thru ACM since we have a Chabot membership- but they had discontinued the reciprocity as of Oct 31! Hmph.
BUT! Although it was almost $28 for 2 adults and a kiddo, it was well worth it. We all had a great time- the exhibits were super awesome:
- Water table (bring a change of clothes!)
- Bubble table area (ditto!)
- Play grocery store
- Be a car mechanic
- ATM that really works! (Use the PIN they have on those cards and use any card that has a magnetic stripe to get "play money" out of the real ATM. We had SO much fun with that.
- Voting booth/ info about the blue state of Nevada
- Berenstain bears exhibit - geared towards older kids but a good 'thinking' exhibit about morals and manners.
- Upstairs has a few cool exhibits on 'simple machines', which was captivating.
Only other sad thing (other than the reciprocity being gone,) was that they closed so early, at 4PM!
It is located a little past downtown and there seems to be an encampment of folks who hang out there / loiter & smoke, but it's nothing to be afraid of.
BTW, in early 2013 they will be relocating closer to downtown! So... if you're visiting in the next few months, make sure they are still open.
If we lived here we would SOOO have a membership!! Too bad I can't handle 106F summers....