As soon as we walk in (after being in line for about 30 minutes), I get the call from Shayne: "I need to go to the bathroom". That's the cue for us girls to accompany her. Girl code, yo!
In an Indian line Melly leads the way holding Shayne's hand while she holds mine. We snake our way to the second floor and suddenly this guy catches my eye as I squeeze my way by.
Random guy: You want to dance, princess?
Me: I'm going with my friends
Random guy: forget them...lets go dance *holds on to my waist*
Me: Um...I'm following my friends
Random guy: Come on...leave them *grabs my hand and proceeds to follow me*
Shayne then thinks I know this guy and lets go of my hand....leaving me alone with him.
He asks for my number...I am bad at saying "no", so I give it to him.
He calls it then and there to make sure it's really mine. Oy lol
End result: He's still texting me even though I am not responding....he's somewhat close too (LA). Gah.
Ive never been so willing to pay $12 for a stoli and soda cocktail before haha
It was soooooooo move betch, get out the way.
My feet were killing me. Close to 5 inch heels and black mini dress...I attracted attention but I wanted to die with every step I took.
Damn my womanhood...burning bras??? No...I want to burn you, 5 inch stiletto!!!
I gave the dance floor a try for like 15 minutes but gave up because it was ridiculously packed, everyone was bumping into me, pushing to get through, some betches were elbowing me and I couldn't get my dance on properly.
/dance floor FAIL
The birthday boy got kicked out of the club. lolz