I remember growing up with parents that loved Best Buy. They had a Best Buy card. The store was always a cool place to just wander. The staff was helpful and plentiful. The prices were pretty darned good.
Finding staff is almost impossible.
The layout of the new store is a royal pain. You need to ask for directions to checkout.
The staff that is there rarely seems to be able to give specific and useful information about products. And they are constantly upselling. We ask about a tablet and are told about a "better" more expensive model.
Geek squad? Hah! I will admit that I've used them in the past. And it generally seems like there is 1 person that really knows his stuff. But then there are 4 more that seem like they are reading cue cards. And the work is shoddy. I was stumped by issues with my old PC at one point. When I got it back, they forgot to reconnect one of the connections to my video card (or maybe forgot on purpose so I'd come back?) and the ties that I had on all of my wires to help air flow did not get reused. Wires were all over the place. And this was a full sized tower.
Prices I can't really blame them for. Amazon and Newegg don't need a brick and mortar store. But if I'm going to pay a premium, I expect better service. I feel that I get better service from Newegg reviews than I do from paid Best Buy employees.
If I really want to get my hands on something electronic, I'll just go to Fry's. At least there is a bigger selection there and the layout (generally) makes sense. I'll just try and remember Best Buy for the store it was when I bought my first PC from them. From when I got my copy of Diablo 2 from them. Not as the store it is today.