I like the fact that, although cheesy, you get to play a role of a low mobster rising up and proving your worth. Kudos to the actors, I would eff that up and have a hard time being in character all the time specially I imagine some people try to troll on them. There's also a integrated guide helping you through. I think they were thoughtful about the "experience" part.
I do enjoy that there's a balance of explaining what each mobster ran and did, but also had artifacts and stories about their life outside of scheming. They are normal people, too. I particularly enjoyed reading peoples private letters.
There is a lot of reading to do and I know some people don't like to read or don't have much of an attention span so this isn't the place to bring them to.... or maybe it is since reading is fundamental! I think certain segments would have been good to connect by a narration or some sort of demonstration. If you don't know much about the mob and missed a few slides you might not get how Mobster A played a part in mobster D's life. It can get confusing trying to remember the details and putting the relations together since it's a bit of information overload. I also wish there was more revealed about the mobster workings- I learned more about this in 5 minutes of googling than I did in the exhibit. If mob is about tha business then I want to know all about the inner workings.
I like there's a video about the Godfather film. Since it just plays on a reel though I did not watch it as I hate watching something from the middle.
I like to think some of the most interesting mob facts today were stories Yelper Elnino F. and I were exchanging of people we know who were involved in Vegas mob business.
I worry about places like these though. I get they're giving the "tourist pricing" and they have to pay actors and upkeep technology, but $40 is enough to turn a lot of people off even if you're interested in the subject. Sometimes pricing lower and pushing out the attraction as a fun and affordable experience is better than trying to reap every possible dollar from each sucker. Suckers tell friends then not to come for $40 and don't buy the overpriced $20+ pictures. I like what one museum I've been to does- you pay a little fee and they email it to you to print as you please. Many people were doing it because it's the price of a photobooth and not a photoshoot.
Overall the exhibit was interesting, but not $40 worth. I would recommend this to people who are interested in the mob, but if you can find a discount . Can't be too upset- it was free through HouseSeats.