This was literally the worst event I have ever been to. There was zero signage anywhere so no one knew where they were supposed to be standing. It took at least 30-40 minutes to get in the door. You pay $15 to just get into a crowded area where there are only vendors for food and drink so what am
I paying for? Am I paying to be shoulder to shoulder with every person in Scottsdale. I wouldn't be so upset if it was enjoyable and relaxing once getting in. They were sold out at many booths . Oh and because they had zero signage you would wait in line thinking it was for food and it ended up beer. It was so poorly planned and so crowded that people were cutting in line because everyone was fed up. The fact that they charged people for this is criminal. I rushed up to the first vendors I saw so I could use my tickets and get the heck out of there to find some water . Never again...